
“Your Legacy Continues Here…”

Welcome to the NMC Legacy Group!

We are so grateful for our Former Staff/Alums that have gone above and beyond during their time here welcoming students to MSU and creating long lasting friendships! We hope to continue to cultivate community and connections here! Welcome NMC 2024 Staff to the Legacy Group!


Who We Are

Former Staffers (Alumni) of NMC. Must have served and completed at minimum a full year on NMC Staff, or more. Young Alumni of MSU, & some Current Students on NMC staff

Why We Exist

  • To continue the NMC Experience and Legacy as NMC continues to grow and change moving forward continuing relationships, traditions and connections
  • Networking and maintaining Loyal Friendships while remembering Fondest Memo’ries through updates found in our Quartlerly Email
  • Mentorship and Community Opportunities in the local areas with many NMC/MSU Alumni
  • Encouraging & Supporting current NMC Staff each year through: testimonials, encouragements, advice, donations/giving, mentorship, etc.
  • Gather together for Events on Campus,or City Hang-Outs to happen in the future!



Updates & Events

Camp Updates

  • we had over 2,000 Campers join us for NMC 2024! That have now begun their legacies at MSU
  • We will have several Camp After Camp Events for them on campus!

Upcoming Events:

"Halloween Movie Night": Oct. 28th in the Junction, NMC will be hosting a movie night with a costume competition and games for their Campers, great time to come fellowship and get to meet 2024's Student staff! 

"NMC Alumni Tailgate": Nov. 2nd in the Junction, stop by the Camp After Camp Tailgate and connect with current students, fellow alums, and have a great time!

Ways to Connect & Get involved!

Update your Contact Information!

Updating this will also sign you up for our Quarterly Legacy Group Email Updates!

Join our Facebook Group! Send us Feedback or Ideas!